KQEK.com Digital / Big Head Amusements / ArtScopeTO - Podcasts
Toronto based journalist & filmmaker Mark R. Hasan interviews artists & producers for the film / video / filmmusic media site KQEK.com and the filmmaking site Big Head Amusements.com.

For the latest edition of ArtScopeTO, I interview photographer Pengkuei (Ben) Huang, whose current eco-series SOLEMN PINES FADING THINGS is exhibited at Toronto's Urban Gallery (400 Queen Street East) from May 2-31st, as part of the 2019 Scotiabank Contact Photography Festival.

Huang discusses the genesis of his series, which examines the location and people in Japan's Tohoku region, and the lingering effects of the triple hit of an earthquake, tsunami, and the Fukushima Daiishi nuclear disaster in 2011.

Further info and stills from the exhibition are available via the Editor's Blog at KQEK.com.

If you enjoyed this podcast, connect with us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Visit www.benhuangphotos.com for more info on Huang's work.

Special Thanks to Ben Huang for his generous time, Urban Gallery's manager Calvin Hambrook and curator Allen Shugar, and Glenda Fordham at Fordham P.R. for facilitating the interview.

Direct download: ArtScopeTO_2019-05-08__Ben_Huang__MP3_320_kbps.mp3
Category:Painting; Photography -- posted at: 3:43am EDT

Composer John Murphy (28 DAYS LATER, MIAMI VICE) discusses scoring the BBC's lavish new 6-part mini-series LES MISERABLES (2018), based on Victor Hugo's epic novel; his main themes & use of the viola; and taking a break from scoring in 2015 after the album ANONYMOUS.

Prior interviews with the composer from 2010 (regarding ARMORED) and 2015 (regarding ANONYMOUS)are also available.

Visit KQEK.com for additional film reviewssoundtrack reviewsinterviews, and read the Editor's Blog by Mark R. Hasan for additional info and related links.

Special Thanks to John Murphy, and Adrianna Perez at White Bear PR.

Visit John Murphy's website for more info on the composer.

If you enjoyed this podcast, connect with us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Direct download: 2019-05-01---KQEK_Digital__John_Murphy_MP3_320_kbps_FINAL.mp3
Category:Filmmusic -- posted at: 9:32pm EDT